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may be some gaps end may be suddenopens with purpose logical sequence; uses some linking words logical endingeffective opening well-organized; uses linking words effectively strong ending sums up writers viewsConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammarrepeated errors often make the writing hard to understandsome errors; may make parts hard to followfew errors mostly correct; may be errors in complex structures Quick Scale for Grade 5 Writing Reports, Articles, and Letters CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detailsome parts inaccurate or copied details are often vague or irrelevantgenerally accurate; some parts may be inaccurate, or copied limited detail generally concrete, accurate, complete; written in own words some specific details accurate and complete; in own words specific details make the information clearStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple language; may be inappropriate, incorrect poorly constructed; sentences; little varietysimple language; may be vague and repetitive repeats a few basic sentence structures language is clear with some variety; may use some technical words variety of sentences clear, varied language; some technical words flows smoothly, varies sentences Form - text features - opening; ending - organization and sequence - paragraphs required text features and graphics are often missing or ineffective may have no introduction or conclusion little organization or logical sequencesome required text features and graphics are included introduction may be vague; may omit conclusion some organization; sequence is logicalmost text features and graphics are clear, correct clear introduction; conclusion may be somewhat abrupt organized; logical sequence and paragraphingtext features and graphics are effective introduction catches interest; conclusion sums up well-organized; clear, logical sequence and paragraphingConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammarrepeated errors often make the writing hard to understandsome errors; may make parts hard to followfew errors mostly correct; may have some errors in complex structures Quick Scale for Grade 5 Writing Instructions and Procedures CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detailsome parts inaccurate or copied details are often vague or irrelevantgenerally accurate; some parts may be inaccurate, or copied limited detail generally concrete, accurate, complete; written in own words some specific details accurate and complete; in own words specific details make the information clearStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple language; may be inappropriate or incorrect in places simple language; may be somewhat vague and repetitivelanguage is clear with some variety; may use technical words  language is clear, varied; often uses precise or technical words Instructions - graphics; visual features - format and organizationmay omit titles, headings unsorted list or one paragraph; steps or sections often omitted or combined may omit required diagrams or sketcheshas a title or heading logically organized into steps or sections; may omit or combine some includes some labels on diagrams and sketchestitle or heading identifies purpose organized into steps or sections; may omit one step or section in complex tasks required diagrams or sketches are neatly labeledtitle/heading identifies purpose; uses subheadings well-organized into numbered steps or sections; complete diagrams or sketches are complete. well labeledConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammarrepeated errors often make the writing hard to understandsome errors; may make parts hard to followfew errors mostly correct; may have some errors in complex structures Quick Scale for Grade 5 Writing Stories CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detaillacks originality; resembles a work read or viewed few details; may be illogical predictable; may rely on ideas discussed in class some detailevents are largely predictable, but may show originality in places uses supporting details to describe eventsshows originality; may develop parts of story in unusual ways; creates an impact on reader uses detail effectivelyStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple language; may be inappropriate, incorrect poorly constructed; sentences; little varietysimple language; may be vague and repetitive repeats a few basic sentence structures language is clear with some variety variety of sentences language is clear, varied; sometimes specific flows smoothly, varies sentences Form: Stories - beginning, middle, end - dialogue no clear beginning, middle, end dialogue may be confusinglogically sequenced beginning, middle, end dialogue is generally clear, but all characters often sound the same logically sequenced beginning, middle, end; beginning often strong dialogue is clear and sometimes sounds realistic engaging beginning; develops logically; believeable ending dialogue is clear and often sounds realistic Conventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammarrepeated errors often make the writing hard to understandsome errors; may make parts hard to followfew errors i mostly correct; may have some errors in complex structures Quick Scale for Grade 5 Writing Poetry CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detaillacks originality; resembles a work read or viewed few details; may be illogicalpredictable; may rely on ideas discussed in class some detailideas and images are predictable, but may show originality in places uses supporting details to describe eventsshows originality; may develop some ideas or images in unusual ways; creates an impact uses detail effectivelyStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple language; may be inappropriate, incorrect simple language; some may be vague and repetitivelanguage is clear with some variety and description language is clear, varied and descriptive Form - rules of chosen poetic form - descriptiondoes not follow the rules of the chosen form little descriptive or figurative languagetries to follow most rules, makes some errors some descriptive languagefollows most rules of chosen form; some problems some figurative languagefollows the rules; may have some minor errors some figurative language, imageryConventions - spelling - punctuation - grammarrepeated errors often make the writing hard to understandsome errors; may make parts hard to followfew errors i mostly correct; may have some errors in complex structures     *3O  E J |  !bcjkX\:)2N(`a@AHIpVc!!߿̿̿ظؿ̿߿̿̿ҿ̿ h6CJ h6CJ hCJ hCJ hCJ h6CJ h5CJh5CJOJQJh5CJOJQJhH)*3Ob{ $If $If # p@ P  # p@ P . 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