ࡱ> kmj +bjbj 5#7 VVVVVjjj8,$j+,!VnVVnnn|VVnnnn`-w?nn0+n"n"nnVn n+" :   Quick Scale: Grade 6 Personal, Impromptu Writing AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations)Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail some ideas; mostly retelling or listing; may be copied few details, might be repetitive, irrelevant, extremely short some opinions and reactions some details and explanation relevant personal reactions and ideas with some individuality some relevant details and explanations relevant personal reactions and ideas with some analysis; sense of individuality logical details and explanationsStyle - clarity, variety, impact of language simple, repetitive language; may be mistakes sentences are often short and repetitive  language is simple and often vague sentence length may vary; uses a few basic patterns  language is clear; some variety and description variety of sentence lengths and beginnings  language is clear, varied; some is precise, expressive l flows smoothly, with a variety of sentences Form - opening - organization and sequence - conclusion no introduction often wanders, loses focus no real ending  introduces the topic generally sticks to the topic; may wander in places ending is weak or abrupt introduces the topic and purpose sticks to the topic; easy to follow ending is logical but abrupt opens with a clear topic and purpose develops the topic with a logical sequence of ideas effective endingConventions - spelling - punctuation - sentences - grammar  frequent errors interfere with meaning some noticeable errors few errors; these do not interfere with meaning no errors except in challenging language and structures Quick Scale: Grade 6 Writing Reports, Articles, Letters AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations)Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail some information may be inaccurate or copied few details; may be irrelevant or repetitive generally accurate, but may omit key points includes details and examples; some may be irrelevant or inaccurate generally accurate, complete, in own words some relevant details and examples information is well-chosen, thorough, in own words; more than one source specific details or examplesStyle - clarity, variety, impact of language simple, repetitive language; may be mistakes sentences are often short and repetitive  language is simple and often vague sentence length may vary; uses a few basic patterns  language is clear; some variety and description variety of sentence lengths and beginnings  language is clear, varied; some is precise, expressive l flows smoothly, with a variety of sentences Form - text features (e.g., titles, diagrams, illustrations) -introduction - paragraphs -conclusion text features are omitted or inappropriate introduction does not identify purpose disjointed; paragraphing is ineffective or omitted omits conclusion some text features but there are mistakes or omissions introduction states purpose; may be general most paragraphs have a main idea abrupt or weak conclusion required text features are correct (minor errors ok) introduction clearly presents purpose paragraphs have main ideas, some supporting detail conclusion is logical clear, effective, well-constructed text features introduction states purposes, engages audience paragraphs have main ideas, supporting detail conclusion sums up the information; may be strongConventions - spelling - punctuation - sentences - grammar  frequent errors interfere with meaning some noticeable errors few errors; these do not interfere with meaning no errors except in challenging language and structures Quick Scale: Grade 6 Writing Instructions and Procedures AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations)Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail some information may be inaccurate or copied few details; may be irrelevant or repetitive  generally accurate, but may omit key points includes details and examples; some may be irrelevant or inaccurate generally accurate, complete, in own words some relevant details and examples information is well-chosen, thorough, in own words; more than one source specific details or examplesStyle - clarity, variety, impact of language simple, repetitive language; may be mistakes sentences are often short and repetitive  language is simple and often vague sentence length may vary; uses a few basic patterns  language is clear; some variety and description variety of sentence lengths and beginnings  language is clear, varied; some is precise, expressive l flows smoothly, with a variety of sentences Form - graphics, visual features - format and organization titles and headings are omitted or inappropriate steps or sections omitted, combined, or out of order diagrams and sketches omitted or incorrect titles and headings are related to the purpose some steps are omitted or combined diagrams and sketches may have errors clear titles and headings well-organized steps or sections diagrams and sketches are clearly labelled and generally accurateclear and effective titles and headings; well-organized, steps or sections; numbered diagrams and sketches are clear and helpfulConventions - spelling - punctuation - sentences - grammar  frequent errors interfere with meaning some noticeable errors few errors; these do not interfere with meaning no errors except in challenging language and structures Quick Scale: Grade 6 Writing Stories AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations)Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail attempts a story often very short; parts may be repetitive, irrelevant, or copied creates a complete, predictable story; often modelled on others ideas some visual details creates a complete, straightforward story supporting details about events, characters, images creates an original story; tries to engage the reader effective detail develops events, characters, imagesStyle - clarity, variety, impact of language simple, repetitive language; may be mistakes sentences are often short and repetitive  language is simple and often vague sentence length may vary; uses a few basic patterns  language is clear; some variety and description variety of sentence lengths and beginnings  language is clear, varied; some is precise, expressive l flows smoothly, with a variety of sentences Form - beginning - development - end - dialogue  may start in the middle; no beginning some loosely sequenced events stops without an ending dialogue, if any, is confusing  has an introduction; may overexplain the situation sequence is easy to follow but may wander in places ending is abrupt or unbelievable dialogue is generally clear but not natural  beginning presents the problem; introduces the main character(s) sequence is easy to follow ending attempts to tie up the story dialogue is clear; tries to be realistic for character strong beginning; may hook reader develops logically; may establish mood ending ties up story; may surprise dialogue is clear; contributes to characterConventions - spelling - punctuation - sentences - grammar  frequent errors interfere with meaning some noticeable errors few errors; these do not interfere with meaning no errors except in challenging language and structures Quick Scale: Grade 6 Writing Poems AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations)Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail attempts a poem parts may be repetitive, irrelevant, or copied creates a complete, predictable poem; often modelled on others ideas some visual details creates a complete, straightforward poem supporting details about events, characters, images creates an original poem; tries to engage the reader effective detail develops events, characters, imagesStyle - clarity, variety, impact of language simple, repetitive language; may be mistakes  language is simple and often vague (conversational) language is clear and varied language is clear, varied; takes risks to create an impact Form - poetic form* - description  does not follow rules of chosen poetic form little descriptive or figurative language  attempts to follow rules of chosen form some descriptive and figurative language if required by teacher follows most rules of the chosen form some descriptive and figurative language; visual detail follows the rules of the chosen form some figurative language and imagery; may show originalityConventions - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors interfere with meaning some noticeable errors few errors; these do not interfere with meaning no errors except in challenging language and structures     Performance Standards Writing: Grade 6 1289TUhi@ A } ~ ] ^ d  E '(@AUVW_XY[ǶǶh2rCJOJQJh2rCJ OJQJh2rh2r6CJOJQJh2rCJOJQJh2r5CJOJQJ h2rCJh2r5B*CJOJQJph h2rCJh2r5B*CJOJQJphh2r6CJOJQJh2rOJQJ6129UiJkd$$Iflr (    04 la ($If1$ A _ ~ : ] ($If$If h$If h($If ($If ] ^ d YOA7A7 ($If h($If ($Ifkd$$Iflr (    04 la C u  A5 ($1$Ifkd$$Iflr (    04 la ($If h($If  8 E W t  ; 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