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often has run-ons some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar some run-on sentencesmay include errors in complex language most sentences are correctgenerally correct; may include occasional errors in complex language sentences are correct Quick Scale for Grade 7 Writing Information: Reports and Articles CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detailfew details; includes irrelevant information may copy or misinterpret informationsome specific, examples, details information generally accuratespecific examples and details accurate, complete; written in own wordsspecific examples and details make ideas clear accurate; may use multiple sourcesStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple, repetitive language short, simple sentences some descriptive or technical language varies sentence length; repeats simple patternsclear and varied language; some specialized or technical terms varies sentences length and patternprecise, clear, varied language; uses specialized or technical terms flows smoothly with varied sentence structuresForm: Reports, Paragraphs - opening; ending - organization and sequence - text features (e.g., titles, diagrams)introduction does not state purpose; no conclusion disjointed; poorly organized and sequenced required text features omitted or incorrectintroduction identifies purpose; weak conclusion logical sequence; connections may be weak includes most required text features; may be errorseffective introduction; conclusion is predictable logical sequence; organization is clear required text features re clear and correctengaging, purposeful introduction; strong conclusion well-organized required text features are complete and effectiveConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar: frequent errors in simple words and structures no control of sentence structure; often has run-ons some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar some run-on sentencesmay include errors in complex language most sentences are correctgenerally correct; occasional errors in complex language sentences are correct Quick Scale for Grade 7 Writing Information: Instructions and Procedures CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detailno clear purpose few details; inaccurate or irrelevant informationpurpose is clear, but focus may wander some specific, accurate examples and detailsfocused on a clear purpose specific, accurate, examples and detailspurposeful, focused specific, accurate examples and details make ideas clearStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple, repetitive languagesome descriptive or technical language clear and varied language; may use specialized, technical termsprecise, clear, varied language; uses specialized, technical terms correctly Instructions - headings - format and organization - graphics; visual features omits titles, headings unsorted list or one paragraph; steps are often omitted or combined diagrams, charts, omitted or inaccuratetitles or headings relate to the purpose logical sequence; may omit or combine some steps diagrams, charts, incomplete or contain errorsclear, informative titles and headings complete, logical sequence diagrams, charts, are complete and labeledclear, informative titles, headings, subheadings complete, well-organized; easy to follow effective diagrams, charts, or sketches clarify and extend informationConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar: frequent errors in simple words and structures no control of sentence structure; often has run-ons some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar some run-on sentencesmay include errors in complex language most sentences are correctgenerally correct; may include occasional errors in complex language sentences are correct Quick Scale for Grade 7 Writing Stories CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas -detailsoften very simple; sometimes illogical few detailspredictable; may be closely modeled on another work limited detail straightforward, with some individuality or originality supporting detailsplausible; some originality, creativity, voice shows through detail and descriptionStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languagesimple language; may be inappropriate simple and compound sentences; may be run-onconversational language; some variety uses two or three sentence patternsvaried language; some sensory detail and figurative language varies sentencesvaried language; sensory detail, figurative language flows smoothly with varied sentence structuresForm: Stories - beginning, middle, end - sequence - characters - dialogue series of events with no problem or resolution; ends abruptly focuses on action; no description of characters dialogue is confusingseries of related events with a beginning, middle, and end (often weak) characters presented through direct description dialogue may sound unnaturalbeginning establishes problem, develops logically to a believable ending characters are described; often stereotypic appropriate dialogueengaging beginning reveals problem; develops through believable events; ending may have a twist characters have individuality effective dialogueConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar: frequent errors in simple words and structures no control of sentence structure; often has run-ons some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar some run-on sentencesmay include errors in complex language most sentences are correctgenerally correct; may include occasional errors in complex language sentences are correct Quick Scale for Grade 7 Writing Poetry CategoryNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsFully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas -detailsoften very simple; sometimes illogical few detailspredictable; may be closely modeled on another work limited detail straightforward, with some individuality or originality supporting details and descriptionsome originality, creative development uses detail and description to create an impactStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of languageconversational; may be inappropriate in placessimple, conversational language with some varietylanguage is varied with some sensory detail, figurative languagelanguage is varied with sensory detail and figurative languageForm - poetic form - imagery; figurative languagenot written in poetic form little figurative language or imageryattempts to write in a poetic form some figurative language; may try imagery follows rules some figurative language and imageryfollows rules; form and meaning well-matched figurative language, imageryConventions - spelling - punctuation - grammar: frequent errors in simple words and structuressome errors in spelling, punctuation, grammarmay include errors in complex languagegenerally correct; may include occasional errors in complex language     *  A B I y z a#$TU*+BCOuv}#>?Kʵբ h6CJ h6CJ h6 h6CJh6CJOJQJhCJOJQJh6CJOJQJ hCJ hCJOJQJ hCJ hCJh5CJOJQJh=)*3Ob{j~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal $If  # : b ^~kdb$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd & F$Ifgd  8 P Q z  A $If  & F$Ifgd $If A B G Q m z {qgggVVVV & F$Ifgd $If $Ifkd$$Iflr )    )4 lal  ) J Y k j`` $Ifkd&$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd  ; i   & F$Ifgd $If `aj{b\RRRRR $If # p@ P kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal%Jk#zzziiiiiiii & F$Ifgd$If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal #$*Uq!Evviiciiiii$If  & F$Ifgd $If~kdL$$Iflr )    )4 lal +^smcccRRR & F$Ifgd $If$If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal  & F$Ifgd EwBCOoe $If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd Odo}2Yt & F$Ifgd $If 4G`ugaWWWWW $If # p@ P ~kdr$$Iflr )    )4 laluv~=Xzpp______ & F$Ifgd $If$If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal DoeeTTTT & F$Ifgd $If~kd6$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd "#:~zpppz____ & F$Ifgd $If$If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal 0Wr>?K`oee $If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd `ky.Up & F$Ifgd $If /H]zazWWWWW $If # p@ P ~kd\$$Iflr )    )4 lal ]^fv    [ \ """" $L$$$$%%%'&' ' '':';'K(L(X({(G)H)I)J)L)M)O)P)R)S)V)W)jhUh|{ hCJ hCJ hCJOJQJ h6CJhCJOJQJ hCJ hCJhh5CJOJQJ1]^fnw&9hvvveeeveee & F$Ifgd $If~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal h:^mccVVVVV  & F$Ifgd $Ifkd $$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd    8 C P [ \ nhhhhhh$Ifkd}$$Iflr )    )4 lal  & F$Ifgd \ )!Y!v!!!"b""" & F$Ifgd """"""" #?#m##~tjjjjYYYY & F$Ifgd $If $Ifkd$$Iflr )    )4 lal ### $ $!$"$J$K$jdKd # p@ P kd<$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$IfgdK$L$U$q$$$$$$$$p~kd$$Iflr )    )4 lal $If $$$3%C%{%%%%%%mg$Ifkd$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd %'&V&&&' ''';'gaWW $If$Ifkd]$$Iflr )    )4 lal  & F$Ifgd $If ;'V'|'''''.(K(L(X(c(mcc $Ifkd$$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd c(q(~((()G)H)I)K)`^Xkd $$Iflr )    )4 lal & F$Ifgd $If K)L)N)O)Q)R)T)U)V)W) (/ =!"#$% `$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al[$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al[$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al[$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al[$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al[$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al`$$Ifl!vh#v#v :V l)55 / 4al666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH T`TNormal <<$B*CJ_HmHnHphsH tH uX@X Heading 1$x@&5B*CJKHOJQJphL@L Heading 2 $x@&5B*OJQJph@@@ Heading 3$@& 5B*phDA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k`( 0No List VC@VBody Text Indenth^h B*ph,X, Emphasis6ZR@ZBody Text Indent 2^ B*phF@"FHeader ! 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