ࡱ> y{x >bjbj 55. 8,DTTTTTTTT(******,Y "6VTTTTTVTTkTTT(T(I`w?0A#A# TTTVVTTTA#TTTTTTTTT ^:   Template: Grade 8 Impromptu Writing (Personal Views or Response) AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - detail  presents some ideas; may be illogical or inappropriate inaccurate, illogical, or insufficient details  series of related ideas generally accurate details, examples, and explanations; may not link to central idea  sense of purpose; tries to deal with complexities relevant and accurate details, examples, and explanations; some analysis purposeful; some individuality, insight some engaging details, examples, explanations; includes analysis, reflectionStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of language no sense of fluency or flow; sentences are often short and choppy or long and awkward limited, simple language some sentence variety; uses complex sentences conversational language; generally appropriate uses a variety of sentence types and lengths language is clear, appropriate, and varied  flows smoothly; variety of sentence types and lengths varied and effective language Form - beginning, middle, end - organization and sequence - transitions often seems to assume that the reader knows the topic and context ending is ineffective may shift abruptly from one idea to another  beginning introduces topic ending is often weak related ideas are together; may be listed rather than developed with simple transitions introduces topic. purpose explicit conclusion logical sequence with transitions connecting ideas; related ideas are together  clear and often interesting introduction logical conclusion smooth and logical sequence and transitions; explicit paragraphingConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors in simple words and structures errors in basic words and structures are noticeable but do not obscure meaning errors in more complex language are sometimes noticeable may include occasional errors where the writer is taking risks with complex languageAdapted from the BC Performance Standards Template: Grade 8 Writing Personal Essays and Opinions AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - detail - draws conclusions - sense of audience purpose is unclear; writing is unfocused inappropriate, trivial, or simplistic details few logical generalizations, conclusions tone may be inappropriate purpose is clear; may lose focus some relevant examples and details may overgeneralize or omit generalizations or conclusions tone may be inconsistent purpose is clear; focus is generally sustained specific relevant examples, details some generalizations and conclusions appropriate tone (may slip) purpose and focus are effective and sustained specific relevant examples and details to elaborate and clarify logical insights, generalizations, and conclusions appropriate, consistent toneStyle - clear, varied, effective language language is simple little sentence variety; often awkward clear and direct language some sentence variety clear and varied language; some specialized terms variety of sentences language clear, varied, and specific; uses specialized terms flows smoothly; effective sentencesForm - introduction - organization - conclusion  introduction does not clearly identify purpose lacks organization; often one paragraph of loosely related details and examples conclusion is missing or inappropriate introduction states purpose; is not engaging related material is grouped together, but transitions and paragraphing are weak (often reads like a list) conclusion is simple or predictable introduction establishes purpose; attempts to engage individual paragraphs or sections are well-organized; overall sequence and transitions may be ineffective in places logical conclusion; tries to create impact introduction effectively establishes purpose; engages effectively organized; paragraphs or sections are well-developed, logically sequenced, and joined by transitions conclusion is strong and has an impactConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors in simple words and structures frequent run-ons or fragments errors in basic words and structures are noticeable most sentences are complete; may be some run-ons  errors in more complex language are sometimes noticeable follows basic rules for sentences may include occasional errors where the writer is taking risks with complex language most sentences are correct (errors come from risktaking)Adapted from the BC Performance Standards Template: Grade 8 Writing Reports and Procedures (All Subjects) AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning -purpose - ideas and information - use of detail purpose is unclear; writing is unfocused often inaccurate, incomplete, copied, or from an inappropriate source inappropriate, trivial, or simplistic details purpose is clear; may lose focus information is generally relevant and accurate; may be vague or from limited sources some relevant examples and details purpose is clear; focus is generally sustained information is accurate, complete, from appropriate source(s) specific relevant examples, details purpose and focus are effective and sustained information is accurate and complete; may use multiple sources uses specific relevant examples and detailsStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of language language is simple little sentence variety; often awkward clear and direct language; few specialized terms some sentence variety clear and varied language; some specialized terms variety of sentences language is clear, varied, and specific; uses specialized terms flows smoothly; effective sentencesForm - purpose - organization - conclusion - special features, where appropriate does not clearly identify purpose, topic, and subtopics lacks organization; often one paragraph of loosely related details and examples missing or weak conclusion required graphics, visuals, and text features omitted or inappropriate identifies purpose and topic related material is grouped together, but transitions and paragraphing are weak (reads like a list, leaving reader to make connections) simple, predictable conclusion appropriate graphics, visuals, and text features; some flaws clearly identifies purpose, topics, subtopics individual paragraphs or sections are well-organized; overall sequence and transitions may be ineffective in places logical conclusion appropriate, accurate graphics, visuals, and text features engages interest in purpose, topics, subtopics effectively organized; paragraphs or sections are well-developed, logically sequenced, and joined by transitions strong conclusion; clear and effective graphics, visuals, and text featuresConventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors in simple words and structures frequent run-ons or fragments errors in basic words and structures are noticeable most sentences are complete; may be some run-ons  errors in more complex language are sometimes noticeable follows basic rules for sentences may include occasional errors where the writer is taking risks with complex language most sentences are correct (errors come from risktaking)Adapted from the BC Performance Standards Template: Grade 8 Writing Stories AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail - sense of audience creates a story around a very simple and direct idea; may be very short, illogical, or retell another work little relevant detail and description little sense of audience; may include inappropriate material relatively simple, concrete story; often predictable, with parts modelled on other works some detail and description to develop setting, characters, events, and images limited sense of audience; focuses on form rather than impact  creates a straightforward story; may feature some complexity or originality uses detail and description to develop setting, characters, events, and images some sense of audience; ideas and language have some impact creates a story with some complexity, originality, and creative development uses detail and description to develop setting, characters, events, images, themes sense of audience; creates an emotional impact or makes a pointStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of language little sentence variety; sentences tend to be short and choppy or long and awkward language is conversational and may be inappropriate some sentence variety; uses complex sentences, but some problems with subordination language is clear, appropriate, and direct; often imprecise variety of sentences; more complex structures may be awkward language is clear, appropriate, and varied flows smoothly; uses a variety of sentences effectively language is varied and often precise; experiments; may play with language Form - beginning - development - ending - characters - dialogue  beginning does not establish the problem or situation weakly connected events without a clear problem or resolution; may be illogical characters are identified; description tends to focus on physical traits; dialogue is often omitted or confusing  beginning describes the problem or situation and introduces the main character(s) develops through a series of events; the ending may seem forced or unlikely characters are described; stereotypic; dialogue may be over or under used  beginning introduces problem, characters; tries to engage generally predictable, believable events with a logical ending characters are partly revealed through their words and behaviour; they may be somewhat stereotypic  engaging beginning reveals the story problem and introduces the character(s) develops conflict through believable events; ending may be surprising, humorous characters have some individuality, revealed by what they do and say Conventions - complete sentences - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors in simple words and structures frequent run-ons or fragments errors in basic words and structures are noticeable most sentences are complete; may be some run-ons  errors in more complex language are sometimes noticeable follows basic rules for sentences may include occasional errors where the writer is taking risks with complex language most sentences are correct (errors come from risktaking)Adapted from the BC Performance Standards Template: Grade 8 Writing Poems AspectNot Yet Within ExpectationsMeets Expectations Fully Meets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsMeaning - ideas and information - use of detail - sense of audience  creates a poem around a very simple and direct idea; may be very short, illogical, or based on another work little relevant detail and description little sense of audience; may include inappropriate material creates a poem around a relatively simple, concrete idea or topic; often predictable, with parts modelled on other works some detail and description to develop ideas and images; development is uneven limited sense of audience  creates a poem around a straightforward idea; may feature some complexity or originality uses detail and description to develop ideas and images some sense of audience; ideas and language have some impact creates a poem around a key idea; some complexity, originality, creativity uses detail, description to develop ideas, images, themes sense of audience; creates an emotional impact or makes a pointStyle - clarity, variety, and impact of language language is conversational and may be inappropriate little figurative language or other techniques; may attempt required elements such as rhyme language is generally clear, appropriate, and direct; often imprecise may attempt simple figurative language (e.g., similes) and poetic techniques (e.g., rhyme) that have been recently taught language is clear, appropriate, and varied takes risks to create effects with figurative language and other techniques (e.g., rhyme, repetition); results may be uneven language is varied and often precise; experiments; may play with language experiments with figurative language and increasingly sophisticated techniques (e.g., irony, rhythm) Form - poetic form* - imagery  does not follow the rules of the chosen form; may appear to be prose written in short lines little attempt to create images; these may seem illogical  attempts to write in the chosen form, but flawed; (ideas and language are often contrived to fit form) some attempts to create images, often through literal, concrete description  follows rules of chosen poetic form; may be somewhat contrived uses some sensory and figurative language to create images (often predictable)  follows rules of chosen form; tries to make form and meaning work together uses figurative language and imagery with some originality and impact Conventions - spelling - punctuation - grammar  frequent errors in simple words, punctuation, and grammar errors in basic words, punctuation, and grammar are noticeable errors in more complex words, punctuation, and grammar are sometimes noticeable may include occasional errors in words, punctuation, or grammar where the writer is taking risks with complex languageAdapted from the BC Performance Standards     Performance Standards Writing AGHcdwx< = . / L M e f k 9 : KLGH+,VW軱h+ 6CJOJQJh+ CJOJQJh+ 5CJOJQJh+ 6B*CJOJQJphh+ h+ B*CJOJQJph h+ CJh+ B*CJph h+ 6CJAAHdxHkd$$Iflr d%pppp04 la ($If < = W / Y ($If $If $If 2 M ~ TJ@666 ($If $If $Ifkd$$Iflr d%pppp04 la~ D e f k J@ $Ifkd$$Iflr d%pppp04 la ($Ifk : W n Lw ($If $If TJ@@@@ $If $Ifkd$$Iflr d%pppp04 laH+,VJHHkd$$Iflr d%pppp04 la ($IfHkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la 0$IfXDDE!"PQ56;fgxy4IJR%&᭡h+ 6B*CJphh+ h+ CJh+ CJOJQJh+ 5CJOJQJh+ 6B*CJOJQJph h+ 5 h+ CJh+ B*CJphh+ B*CJOJQJph?1Ep /k"R 0$IfXD $If 0$IfXD(QmTH<<<< 0$IfXD 0$IfXDkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 lam56Hkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la 0$IfXD6;JYfgB Z 0$IfXD $If 0$IfXDTH>>>> $If 0$IfXDkd:$$Iflr 'p   0'4 laR=x 0$IfXDxy4TRPDDDD 0$IfXDkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la4IJR[sH<22 $If 0$IfXDkdZ$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la 0$IfXDs&I6\ 0$IfXD $If &[\,-jkijo !!""#####%%%%%%%& &&&5&6&K&L&T&&&e'f'R(S(/)0)***F*G***e+ͼѱ h+ CJh+ CJOJQJh+ 5CJOJQJ h+ 5h+ 6B*CJphh+ h+ CJh+ B*CJOJQJphh+ 6B*CJOJQJphh+ B*CJph?-BkTH<<<< 0$IfXD 0$IfXDkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 laCijHkdz$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la 0$IfXDjoyG d V!w!!!]"r"""S#h## 0$IfXD $If 0$IfXD#######TH<<<< $$If 0$IfXDkd $$Iflr 'p   0'4 la#$;$r$$$%]%% 0$IfXD%%%%% &&TRPF<< ($If $Ifkd$$Iflr 'p   0'4 la&6&K&L&T&l&|&J@66 $If $Ifkd8$$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la ($If|&&&''f''(S(((0)~))* ($If $1$If $If ***G**TJ@6 $1$If $If $Ifkd$$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la**(+f+++ ,[, $1$If ($Ife+f+++[,\,a,,,--..l/m/V0W0c000K2L2v2222222223A3B344555566666f7g7*8+88899999I:J:;;;;/<0<<<_<`<<<<<.=/=h+ 6B*CJOJQJph h+ CJh+ 5CJOJQJ h+ 5h+ h+ CJh+ B*CJphh+ B*CJOJQJphH[,\,a,m,{,,,TH<<<< $1$If $1$Ifkdt $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la,,,,'---=.../m//0V0 ($If $1$If $If $1$IfV0W0c0x00000TJJJJJ@ ($If $Ifkd $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la00%1Z1112K2L2Jkd $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la ($IfL2v2222222 ($If$If2233-3A3B3TNDDDD ($If$Ifkd\ $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 laB3334445]555#6_66 ($If $1$If 6666 7g77+8TNDDDDD ($If$Ifkd $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la+8X88%9999@6 $1$Ifkd $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la ($If $1$If9999 :J::;E;;;/< ($If $1$If /<0<<<G<U<`<<TNDDD: ($If $If$Ifkd6 $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la<</=======JHFFFkd $$Iflr 'pH   08(4 la ($If/==============>> h+ 6CJh+ jh+ Uh5CJOJQJh+ 5CJOJQJ h+ CJh+ B*CJph=======>>> 3(xhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhx?o??o??o?0P/ =!"#$% 8$Dp$$If!vh#v#vp:V l055p4$$If!vh#v#vp:V l055p4$$If!vh#v#vp:V l055p4$$If!vh#v#vp:V l055p4$$If!vh#v#vp:V l055p4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#v :V l0'55p5 / 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 / 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4$$If!vh#v#vp#vH #v :V l08(55p5H 5 4666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH h`hNormal<<1$5$7$8$9DH$$B*CJ_HmHnHphsH tH uX@X Heading 1$x@&5B*CJKHOJQJphJ@J Heading 2 $@&56CJOJQJ@@@ Heading 3$@& 5B*ph@@@ Heading 4$1$@&5T@T Heading 5$(@&5B*CJOJQJph<@< Heading 6$@&5CJX@X Heading 7$(@&56B*CJOJQJphp@p Heading 81$ & p@ P !@&56CJ OJQJDA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List POPHead 2 h5B*CJOJQJphB@BHeader ! 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